Tuesday, May 23, 2017

C-8 Canal Fishing with Ben

For this trip I was fishing with my friend Ben in the C-8 Canal. We used bread as bait. We started off not catching anything. At times, lots of fish would nibble. But the bait wouldn't stay on. I ended up putting a very small piece of bread on the hook. If the fish bit, I would have caught it. Sure enough, a Spotted Tilapia took the bait. It went fast to the left, but I managed to bring it in and not to cut it on the rocks near the bank. I caught it! I then unhooked it over the water and it swam away. We weren't catching anything else, so then Ben brought me to his "hot spot" across the dock in another corner. Once he dropped the bait in the water, a decent Mayan Cichlid bit his hook. Instantly, as Ben was reeling in, the line was tied up in a branch. I brought in the palm branch. We caught it! The fish swallowed the hook so we had to cut the line. This was a very fun trip, and I will hopefully have more like this soon.

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