Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beach Fishing Revenge!

I went beach fishing again and I wanted to catch a fish or even fight one.That day, it was not so windy. It was only a little bit windy. On my first cast, I caught nothing but seaweed and that had happend a bunch of times until... I had a shark on the hook I struggled to catch it but the line broke then I got really disappointed, but I did have something better than last time. I met someone there named Moe. He helped me out and gave me some tips and tricks on how to cast on the beach and which lures to use. I used one that was plastic, wiggly, and clear. It looks like a fish swimming along the coastline. I did;t catch anything this time, but I will one day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catching a BASS at the Santa Monica Pier!

Today, I caught a sea bass! I woke up really early to get to the Santa Monica Pier. I yelled out to everyone "I'm going fishing!" I took my fishing rod and bought some shrimp for bait. I made sure to put my bait on the hook properly. Then, I casted my rod and the hook plopped into the water. I waited several minutes and sure enough the rod bended over the side. My aunt, who I was fishing with, asked, "Is it supposed to be doing that?" I yelled, "There's a fish! Fish on!" I felt a strong tug on my fishing rod. I pushed back and forth and pushed and pulled until.....I caught it! A great BASS!!

This is not my first or last time fishing. Stay tuned because I am planning another fishing trip real soon...

(It's a shame the picture was taken at a bad angle of the fish. It was actually a really nice Calico Bass)