Tuesday, November 15, 2016

South Florida Canal Fishing

For this trip I went fishing with some of my friends at school. We went in one of the locally-known brackish water canals in south florida. Freshwater fish such as Peacock Bass, Largemouth Bass, Tilapia, and Ciclid can be found in these canals, along with saltwater fish such as snook, tarpon, and the occasional Jack. It was a cloudy, gloomy day, but that did not stop us. Two of my friends, Ben and Santi, found a spot near the weeds where we figured the fish might be. We got some bread and ripped it up into a few pieces. First, we dropped the bread in and no fish bit it. We were walking and casting in all different places trying to find the elusive fish. Finally, I dropped my piece of bread under some weeds, and sure enough, I some a school of Cichlids and an Oscar nibbling at my bait. I called Santi and Ben over, and tried to snag the pesky fish. We felt the tugs, but the Ciclid would not bite. I decided that the pieces that I ripped for myself were way too big. I ripped smaller pieces that just fit on the hook, then tried again. It worked! The fish nibbled and took the bait on my hook! But, when I reeled it in enough, I had found out that the Cichlid had not been hooked very well and it fell off when it came very close. If I had set the hook more properly, I would have brought the fish up. It's still a catch though! We tried more, but the fish were too hard to hook. Maybe I should try a smaller hook this time with a shorter shaft. Stay tuned! More posts coming soon!

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