Sunday, July 10, 2016

Fishing at Haddon Lake

Today I went fishing with my brother and Zaide. We went to try out a new lake in camden county, NJ, which is near Philadelphia, PA. In the morning, we searched for some worms to go fishing with. After we found some and put them in a container with wet dirt, we got ready for the fishing trip. We set out to Haddon lake. There were a few people fishing there. We weren't catching fish for a while. We changed places until we found one that we liked that had little moss in the lake near the shore. We were down to our last worm, hoping that a fish would come and bite the hook. We were waiting with excitement for a fish to bite the hook. I picked up the rod, and then a fish took a nibble at the bait! I got ready, and I set the hook! Fish on! The line got stuck on a branch and it was really heavy. I was reeling it in, and I brought it in. The fish was still on! It was a Bluegill. Because of its colors I originally thought it was a Pumpkinseed Sunfish, which would have been a new species; it turns out to be a Bluegill because of the lack of a red edge on the black spot and the fact that there aren't any blue lines around the mouth and eyes. This was still a great day and taught me not to give up and that it's not over 'till it's over. Stay tuned! More posts coming soon!

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