Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back At Santa Monica

Today I am back in Los Angeles and I went fishing at Santa Monica pier. My Safta (grandmother), Doda (aunt) Sharon, my sister, my brother, and I wanted to fish so we rigged our fishing pole and we were on our way! Once we got there, since we had no bait, we bought shrimp at the bait and tackle shop. I baited it and dropped it in the water. While we were waiting for a bite, Danielle, my sister and Doda Sharon went on the rides while Jacob, my brother, Safta, and I stayed and waited. Soon after they left I felt a bite! I let Jacob reel it in a little bit but I did the rest. It was a fun fight but I finally caught it! it was a Lizardfish! We told Doda Sharon and Danielle and we took pictures. Then I went fishing with only Doda sharon but sadly we didn't catch anything. We ended the fishing trip by going on rides. This was a fun day.


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