Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fishing With Boris

Today I went fishing with my friend, Boris.  We went across
the street with Jacob, to catch some fish.  Our bait was raw chicken, and we
ended up catching lots of fish.  We were off to a good start, when Boris caught
two fish almost instantly!  They were an Oyster Toadfish (we called them sand fish) and a grunt.  By then, I was
ready to catch some fish.  I ended up catching another sand fish!  Once I hooked
the fish it was trying hard to get the hook out, but it didn't work.  After I
tossed it back into the water, I was impressed by how it blended in perfectly
with the weeds at the bottom of the canal.  Then, Boris was eager to catch a
puffer fish, which had kept on taking his bait.    We went next to the dock, to
where we called, "The Sweet Spot," because that's where we had caught all of the
fish so far today.  A lot of fish came swarming around the bait, but then a big
pufferfish came and bit the hook!  We reeled it in and caught it!  Boris was
really excited and proud.  I was really excited and proud for him.  The last
fish of the day was another puffer, caught by Boris.  After that, we went back
to the house, which ended our trip.  This was a fun day, and I look forward to
fishing with Boris again.  

Stay tuned, more posts coming soon!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

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