Today I had a fishing birthday party. I caught 5 fish, and it all started like this. All my friends came to a dock and we fished there. First my cousin Matthew caught a fish then my friend Ethan caught a fish.Time passed and I caught a fish, it was a bream. Then my friend Josh caught one after me. Then my aunt caught an oscar.Then I caught an oscar, and then I caught a largemouth bass.Then I caught an oscar and then my friend Isabella and my bubbie caught a tiny perch. After I went fishing I went inside and we went on fishing simulaters, there were simulaters of bass,trout,tarpon,sailfish and marlin it was fun.
fishing standings
#1 me 5 fish
#2 my aunt (annette) 4 fish
#3 Ethan 3 fish
#4 my cousin (nathan) 2 fish
#5 josh 1 fish
#6 bubbie and Isabella
everyone else caught nothing
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