Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jacob's First Fish!

Today I went across the street of my house with Zaide and my brother Jacob.  At first, only little fish were nibbling but soon, a puffer fish came and bit the hook!  I was fighting it with Jacob and we caught it!  Jacob's first fish!  Later we had a fish that kept stealing our bait.  We kept trying to catch it and finally we did!  It was a pin fish!  Next we caught a decent size fish that Jacob threw back.  Then we caught the same kind of of fish and threw that back, too.  Later we had the line in the water for a very short time and a puffer fish bit the hook!  I was struggling to catch it and I sometimes tried to hold the two parts of the rod together and finally I caught it!  It was huge!  After the huge puffer fish, I kept on putting the line in the water and some fish kept biting the bait off.  I wanted revenge.  I kept trying to hook it on and finally I did!  It was a grunt!  After all those fish, we went home.  What a fun day!

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